Medieval History For Dummies


Great Dates in Medieval History

Famine, plague and public execution – the medieval period wasn’t the best time for some, but heroic rulers like Charlemagne, William the Conqueror and Henry V made sure that it was full of action. Here are the key dates for the big events of the medieval period.

Date in Middle AgesWhat Happened in Medieval History
c. AD 450The first Anglo-Saxons arrive in England.
476Romulus Augustulus is deposed; the Western Roman Empire
496Clovis the Frank converts to Christianity.
597Augustine of Canterbury begins to convert the Anglo-Saxons to
638Jerusalem falls to Islamic forces.
711Tarik-Ibn-Ziyad begins the Muslim conquest of Spain.
751Pippin III becomes the first Carolingian king.
c. 790The Vikings begin raiding Ireland.
800Charlemagne is crowned as the first Holy Roman Emperor.
827Islamic forces invade Sicily.
843The Treaty of Verdun splits the Frankish kingdom into three
parts, creating modern France and Germany along the way.
863The Eastern Church and the papacy in Rome split in the First
Great Schism.
c. 870The Vikings discover Iceland.
871Alfred becomes the king of Wessex.
909Charles the Simple grants lands around Rouen to Viking
settlers, beginning the Norman civilisation in France.
987Louis V, the last Carolingian king, dies. Hugh Capet begins the
Capetian line of French kings.
1016Cnut of Denmark becomes king of England.
1066William of Normandy invades England; the Battle of Hastings
takes place.
1095Pope Urban II preaches the First Crusade.
1097The First Crusade arrives at Constantinople.
1099The First Crusade recaptures Jerusalem and establishes the
kingdom of Outremer.
1147–48The Second Crusade fails to make any gains and is forced to
retreat from Damascus.
1189The Crusade of Frederick Barbarossa ends in failure when he
drowns in Asia Minor.
1190–91The Third Crusade pits Richard I against Saladin.
1204The Fourth Crusade sacks Constantinople.
1215King John agrees to the Magna Carta, weakening the
authority of the English crown.
1291The city of Acre falls, and the kingdom of Outremer ends.
1324Marsilius of Padua criticises the papacy in the Defensor
1337The Hundred Years’ War begins.
1346The Battle of Crecy is fought during the Hundred Years’
1348The Black Death hits Europe.
1381The Peasants’ Revolt happens in England.
1415The Battle of Agincourt is fought during the Hundred
Years’ War.
1431Joan of Arc is executed by the English after leading the French
recovery during the Hundred Years’ War.
1453The French recover Gascony; the Hundred Years’ War

The Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople; the Byzantine Empire
1470Leonardo da Vinci begins work as a professional artist in
Florence as the Italian Renaissance gathers pace.
1492Christopher Columbus discovers America.




The Medieval World Geographical Area

When historians talk about the Middle Ages and a view of the medieval world, they are generally talking about events that took place in and around modern-day Europe and a few adjacent areas, as this figure shows.





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