Questions to Ask Yourself after a Hair Loss Consultation

If you’re consulting professionals about hair replacement surgery and other options, hair loss is not something you’re going to accept willingly. After each consultation, review the following questions; the answers can help you choose the best doctor to continue with.

  • Did your doctor examine you carefully, spend time with you, and listen to what you had to say?

  • Did your doctor measure your hair density and tell you what it is?

  • Did your doctor measure the degree of miniaturization on your scalp hair?

  • Did your doctor assess your scalp laxity?

  • Did your doctor tell you that you were a “great candidate” for a hair transplant without any reservations?

  • Did you feel you were being rushed toward surgery with deals or discounts?

  • Did your doctor create a master plan for your future hair loss with you?

  • Did you like the doctor on a personal level?



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