Excel Workbook For Dummies

Getting to know your way around Microsoft Office Excel begins with launching the start-up window and learning the functions of the Excel Standard and Formatting toolbars to create and manage your spreadsheets. Take advantage of some time-saving shortcuts for editing and entering your data in Excel.



The Excel 2003 Program Window

When you first launch the Microsoft Office application program Excel (versions 2003 and earlier), the following program window appears, containing three blank worksheets. You can build your new spreadsheet using any of the pages, which follow the general Excel Worksheet template.





Excel 2003 Standard Toolbar

The Standard toolbar in Excel contains a variety of buttons for doing things like opening a new workbook, zooming in and out on your current worksheet, and sorting selected items. Get to know the buttons for performing common tasks on the Standard toolbar of Excel versions 2003 and earlier by using the helpful figure below.





Excel 2003 Formatting Toolbar

The Formatting toolbar in Excel 2003 and earlier versions holds a variety of buttons for commonly used formatting operations on your average spreadsheet, like changing text size or style, formatting numbers, and placing borders around cells. On the Formatting toolbar, the tools are arranged into six groups of buttons (from left to right).





Excel Editing Shortcut Keys

A large part of the work you do in Excel is editing the cell contents in worksheets. To save time editing, learn the following Excel shortcuts, including the key combinations and their functions:

F2Edit current cell entry and position insertion point at the end
of cell contents
Shift+F2Edit comment attached to current cell and position insertion
point in comment box
BackspaceDelete character to left of insertion point when editing cell
DeleteDelete character to right of insertion point when editing cell
entry: otherwise, clear cell entries in current range
EscCancel editing in current cell entry
EnterComplete editing in current cell entry
Ctrl+CCopy cell selection to the Windows Clipboard
Ctrl+XCut cell selection to the Windows Clipboard
Ctrl+VPaste last copied or cut cells from the Windows Clipboard
Ctrl+hyphen (-)Open Delete dialog box to delete cell selection and shift
remaining cells left or up
Ctrl+Shift+plus (+)Open Insert dialog box to insert new cells and shift existing
cells right or down
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Ctrl+YRedo last undone action




Excel Data Entry Shortcut Keys

When you're working in Excel and entering data in a cell, it's essential to complete the entry either by clicking another cell with the mouse pointer or by using one of the handy shortcut keys shown here to move the cell cursor:

Press To
Arrow keys (↑, ↓, ←, →)Complete cell entry and move cell cursor one cell in direction of the arrow
EnterComplete cell entry and move cell cursor down one row
Shift+EnterComplete cell entry and move cell cursor up one row
Ctrl+EnterComplete cell entry in all cells in selected range
Alt+EnterBegin a new line in a cell entry
TabComplete cell entry and move cell cursor right one column
Shift+TabComplete cell entry and move cell cursor left one column
EscCancel current cell entry
Ctrl+' (apostrophe)Copy formula in cell above into current cell entry
Ctrl+Shift+" (quotation)Copy value from cell above into current cell entry
Ctrl+`(accent)Toggle between displaying cell values and cell formulas in worksheet
Ctrl+;Insert current date into current cell entry
Ctrl+Shift+;Insert current time into current cell entry




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