Optimizing Business Website Images for SEO

By aligning your business web image meta tags with your overall SEO strategy, you can improve the appearance of your business in relevant search results and indirectly increase traffic.

Try to incorporate some of your preferred search terms in appropriate fields in the following list. Although the names or options may differ on different sites, you can usually find the equivalent. Make these fields as keyword- and content-rich as you can. As with video, you can take advantage of existing keyword research, meta tags from your website or blog, or optimized text that you’ve already created:

  • Filename: If necessary, rename your files before uploading them. Be descriptive and include a search term such as snowshoe-siamese-cat-plays-piano.jpg instead of image12345.jpg.

  • Title field: Like the filename, the title should be descriptive and include a search term.

  • Description field: In addition to incorporating the search terms that appear in the title and filename, you might want to include your business name and address and your web address (without an active link), if appropriate. Don’t use blatant calls to action or hard-sell language. From the point of view of an external search engine, the description is “surrounding content” and is essential to assessing the relevance of search terms.

  • Tag list: Tags, which work like keywords, help users search for images internally as well as externally. You can include your business name, address, city, and sometimes your web address in your tags or profile.

  • ALT tags: Originally meant to help people who are visually impaired, these hover tags can combine a description with a search term, for example, large handcrafted cat tree for your Maine Coon.

  • Caption: As always, use keyword-rich, descriptive content.

  • Anchor text: Use keywords in the text link that opens each photo.

  • Large images: Upload large versions as well as the thumbnails that are visible on your blog or website.

Most of these sites make it easy to coordinate your social media efforts, saving time and helping you build your audience. In any case, always cross-link (with chicklets and Share buttons) between your image-sharing site, your website, and all other social media outlets you use. Cross-post images when segments of your market align in different channels.



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