How Get Satisfaction Supports Spotify

Whenever there’s a bug in Spotify you want fixed or a missing feature you’re after — or you just get stuck trying to do something — simply go to the Get Satisfaction forums and submit a question. You can also submit an idea for Spotify’s developers to consider, and other people can vote for whether they like your idea.

For example, close to 1,000 people want gapless playback in Spotify (where there’s no pause between songs), and almost 500 people are wishing for an easy way to report problems with the music (such as instances when bands that have the same name appear in the same artist stream).

People can follow threads, or posts related to a particular topic, to keep up to date — replies to a topic can go straight to your e-mail so that you don’t need to keep checking the site for the answers.

Oh, and if you absolutely love Spotify, you can choose to flatter everyone working there by clicking the Give Praise button and typing a fan message in the text box that appears.

The best thing about the Get Satisfaction forums is that the friendly, official Spotify staff (labeled as such by special Spotify buttons next to their usernames) frequent the site and regularly offer solutions and updates to people’s problems.

When there are multiple threads related to the same topic, it can be hard to figure out which one to follow, but Get Satisfaction’s website anticipates this problem by analyzing your query for keywords and seeing whether other people also have that question before you hit the Submit button.

It then brings up a list of suggested questions that it thinks might answer your query.



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