Herbal Remedies For Dummies

To maintain your health and combat common conditions, try herbal remedies as an alternate to pharmaceutical drugs. To protect rare herbs, check out some easy substitutions for these endangered plants. Use a handy guide for herbal alternatives for common medications and, depending on the type of herbal remedy you're taking, follow a recommended dosage guide.



Herbal Remedies for Common Conditions

If you're looking for an alternative to over-the-counter or prescription drugs for some common conditions that eventually affect everyone, try these herbal remedies to ease symptoms and maintain a healthier you:

Symptom or ConditionHerbal Remedy
Allergies (hay fever)Nettle herb, eyebright, cayenne, garlic, horseradish
Arthritis painMeadowsweet, ginger, cayenne, black cohosh, yucca, devil's
Bladder infections (cystitis)Cranberry juice, marshmallow root, pipsissewa, uva-ursi,
echinacea, usnea
Burns, scrapes, rashes, bitesCalendula cream, chamomile cream, St. John's wort oil
ColdsCayenne, garlic, ginger, osha, sage, yerba mansa, elder flowers
and berries
Congestion, sinusCayenne, horseradish, eyebright, eucalyptus, ma huang
CoughsSage leaf, loquat leaf, licorice root, wild cherry bark,
marshmallow root
FatigueAmerican ginseng, red ginseng, rosemary, rehmannia, licorice,
Gas, intestinalPeppermint, chamomile, cumin seed, caraway seed, fennel
HeadachesFeverfew, wood betony, willow bark, meadowsweet
Infections of the skinEchinacea, tea tree oil
InsomniaValerian, California poppy, chamomile, linden flower, kava
Memory (poor)Ginkgo, rosemary, gotu kola
Nervous tensionEleuthero (Siberian ginseng), valerian, California poppy,
passion flower, hops
Sore throatSage leaf, echinacea, licorice, marshmallow
StomachacheGinger, peppermint, chamomile, gentian, centaury
StressEleuthero (Siberian ginseng), California poppy, ligustrum,
ashwaganda, schisandra




A Dosage Guide for Herbal Remedies

The following table gives you information on dosage recommendations for herbal remedies. This chart is to help you make informed choices and is not a substitute for expert medical advice or treatment, since each individual is unique.

Teas1 cup, 3 to 4 times throughout the day
Powdered herbs2 to 4 capsules, 2 to 3 times daily
Tinctures2 to 5 droppersful, 2 to 3 times daily
Standardized extracts1 tablet, 2 to 3 times daily




Substitutes for Rare and Endangered Herbs

Interest in herbal medicine has dramatically increased, and along with the destruction of habitat, encroaching development, and commercial overharvesting, some healing herbs have become endangered. You can help these rare plants survive by making some simple substitutions:

HerbHow You Can Help
American ginsengBuy cultivated or woods-grown roots or products instead of wild
American ginseng.
Black cohoshSubstitute red clover products if you're using black cohosh for
its estrogenic effects. Substitute kava or cramp bark if using this
herb for muscle spasms. Substitute meadowsweet for arthritis.
Blue cohoshSubstitute yarrow.
EchinaceaBuy products containing Echinacea purpurea, which are
cultivated organically, instead of wild-harvested E.
. Both are equally effective. E.
is increasingly available as a cultivated
GoldensealBuy cultivated goldenseal or substitute Oregon grape root,
barberry, or the Chinese herb coptis, all of which contain the same
active ingredient, called berberine.
PipsissewaUse uva ursi and marshmallow root together to soothe and help
reduce bacteria for urinary tract infections.
Slippery elmSubstitute marshmallow root, which has similar soothing
properties to slippery elm and is a cultivated herb.
Wild yamWild yam doesn't have progesterone-like effects, according to
studies and historical use. Use wild yam only for bowel cramps,
spasms, colic, and nausea, or substitute chamomile flowers.




Herbal Substitutes for Common Medications

If you're looking for an herbal remedy as an alternative for some common medications, take a look at this chart to see what can be substituted. See your doctor or herbalist about persistent, serious conditions.

MedicationHerbal Alternative
Pain relieverWhite willow, meadowsweet
Daytime cold medicationEchinacea, goldenseal
Nighttime cold medicationLoquat syrup
Stomachache/gas relieverBlack walnut, chamomile
Sleep aidKava, valerian
Anxiety relieverCalifornia poppy, kava
Anti-depressantSt. John's wort
AntibioticUsnea, goldenseal




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