Premium WordPress Themes and Frameworks

Premium WordPress themes and frameworks offer you an easy way to help yourself, your friends, and your clients design a nice-looking website quickly using WordPress for a lower cost than it would take to hire someone to design and build a custom theme for you.

Many of the premium theme providers put out special themes that they have termed to be a framework. Frameworks are essentially WordPress themes with all the built-in features and functionality, and are optimized and coded to act as a parent theme, making WordPress theme development quicker and allowing you to use it to create an unlimited amount of child themes.

Premium themes have their limitations, because someone else built the theme, you are limited to the features and functions that the developer/designer of the theme included. If you want to add additional features, it may mean digging into the code of the template files and making some adjustments.

Designers who put out high-quality themes and provide ongoing support for the use of those themes for a price point that ranges anywhere from $50 — $300 each, depending on which theme you use.

Sometimes it’s better to code your own theme from scratch, simply because it’s easier for you to know your own code than it is to get to know someone else’s methods and ways of doing things. After you become comfortable designing your own theme, the choice is yours to make.

You can find a very nice selection of premium themes on the WordPress website. Here are some popular theme frameworks on the market today:



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