Back Up Photos and Files with Photoshop Elements 10

With files stored all over your hard drive, manually copying files to a second hard drive, CD, or DVD would take quite a bit of time. Fortunately, Photoshop Elements 10 makes finding files to back up a breeze.

Choose File→Backup Catalog to CD, DVD, or Hard Drive and then, in the dialog box that opens, click the Full Backup radio button and click Next. Select a hard drive or a CD/DVD drive, type a name for the backup folder, and click OK. Elements goes about copying all files shown in the Organizer window to your backup source.

Macintosh users don’t have an option for backing up photos from the Organizer to CDs or DVDs. On the Mac you can create a burn folder in the Finder, select all photos in the Organizer window, and drag the selected files to the burn folder. Click Burn and the files are copied to a CD or DVD.

If you decide to use a large hard drive for all your photos, you need to purchase a second drive for the backup. If your photos are precious and you want to protect them against a drive failure, it’s well worth the expense of a second drive.

To back up content on a second drive, attach both drives via USB ports and choose File→Backup Catalog to CD, DVD, or Hard Drive (Windows) or File→Backup Catalog to Hard Drive (Macintosh). Click Next and select the target drive in the wizard. Click Save Backup to begin the backup. You can perform this operation before retiring at night and just let the computer do its work.



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