How to Use the “That” Command in NaturallySpeaking

Dragon NaturallySpeaking treats the command “that” differently depending upon when it is spoken. For example, when you use capitalization, spacing, and hyphenation commands (what Dragon refers to as dictation commands), such as Cap That, the word that refers to what you just spoke — text that’s still being worked on by the NaturallySpeaking engine.

When you use formatting commands, however, the word that no longer refers to the text you just spoke. It refers only to whatever you have selected. Or, if you haven’t selected anything, the command affects the formatting for whatever you dictate next.

So, for instance, if you dictate, “Haste makes waste” and then (not stopping to select anything) say, “Bold That,” nothing happens to the text you dictated. However, if you continue, saying, “but a stitch in time saves nine,” that text appears bold. The command simply turned on bold style. The result looks like this:

Haste makes waste but a stitch in time saves nine.

The difference in the meaning of that sounds like a complicated distinction to remember, but the truth is actually simple. When you say "Bold That," "Italicize That," "Underline That," or any of the paragraph alignment commands, NaturallySpeaking presses the command key (for example, Ctrl+B for Bold) assigned to that format.



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