How to Monitor Network Operations with Junos OS

Self-monitoring allows continuous feedback, capturing network-wide on down to highly granular views into device operations. This capability not only can alert you to issues, but also enables you to save a great deal of time when diagnosing network problems, as needed details are already available. You won’t lose precious troubleshooting minutes just to gather basic data that you need to analyze what the problem might be.

You can use these tools to automate network monitoring in the Junos OS:

  • Real-time performance monitoring (RPM): Measures the performance of traffic as it travels between network devices so that you can continuously monitor its delay. The RPM probes can collect round-trip time minimums, averages, maximums, jitter, and other data on both a per-destination and per-application basis.

  • Flow accounting: Provides a method for collecting traffic flow statistics, enabling operations teams to track utilization of links for capacity planning, security analysis, fault isolation, billing, and more. You can gather statistics on an individual physical device, logical device, interface, or subinterface.

  • Health monitor: Notifies your network management system (NMS) when something requires attention. Health monitor extends the Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) alarm infrastructure of Junos OS (with minimum user configuration requirements) by providing predefined monitoring of the operating system processes and device hardware — for example, file system usage, CPU usage, and memory usage.



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