Tips for Building Your Etsy Brand

An important step when trying to grow your Etsy business is creating a brand. Although your logo is part of your brand (more on that in a moment), the brand itself is a much broader concept. You can think of your brand as the image you want to project for your business. Your brand is what you're known for.

Before you begin building your brand, you need to pin down a few key pieces of information:

  • The brand promise: Pinpointing your brand promise means determining what you're really selling. What does your brand promise to do? You're not selling handmade aromatherapy candles; you're selling unparalleled relaxation. That's your brand promise.

  • The target market: To tailor your brand, determine whether your target customer is male or female, young or old, and single or married. Also try to establish where you target market lives, how much disposable income they have, and what level of education they have obtained.

  • The competition: Identify who your competition is, what they offer, and how their products are similar to yours. This assessment can help you position your own brand in such a way that you gain an advantage.

  • The brand personality: Think of your brand as being like a person. This personality creates an emotional connection with your target market. You convey your brand's personality through visual elements, such as your logo, and through its voice — that is, your tagline, item descriptions, shop announcements, and even Etsy convos.

  • The unique selling proposition (USP): Every good brand has at least one characteristic that makes it different from everything else on the market. If you sell aromatherapy candle, for example, maybe your candles burn longer than other candles, or smell different, or come in super-pretty jars. Whatever special quality your candles have, that's their USP.

Do you recognize the phrase "You deserve a break today"? What about "Just do it," "Don't leave home without it," "The quicker picker-upper," or "Time to make the doughnuts"? If so, then you know the power of a tagline. Part of building your brand is composing a tagline of your own. A good tagline

  • Is short, concise, specific, and (ideally) clever: The longer the tagline, the more likely people are to lose interest in it.

  • Speaks to your target market: If your target market is 20-something hipsters, your tagline shouldn't use language that your grandmother favors.

  • Reflects your brand's personality: If your brand is quirky, you don't want a stuffy tagline!

  • Hints at your brand promise and its USP: Take the tagline for M&M's, for example: "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands" suggests that M&M's are not only super tasty, but also not messy.

Keep some points in mind as you develop your logo:

  • Consider your colors: Different colors evoke different emotions and convey different ideas. For example, if you specialize in custom motorcycle gear, a baby-pink logo might not be the way to go.

  • Make sure you're sending the right message: Your logo's visual style communicates something about your brand. For example, if your logo has a minimalist style, it suggests that your brand does, too. Be sure that your logo sends the message you want.

  • Be original: Although it's certainly fine to look to other brands and logos for inspiration, don't try to copy — especially if the logo in question is a competitor's.

If you're not comfortable developing your logo, don't hesitate to get help. If you're on a strict budget, why not ask a friend with an artistic bent for help? Alternatively, try bartering with a professional designer.

Consider using your logo as your Etsy avatar. That way, anytime you comment in a forum or send a convo, other Etsyites see your logo.

The key to branding is infusing it in everything you do. Express your brand by using your tagline and logo on your business cards, letterhead, envelopes, postcards, packaging, and other promotional materials. Your brand also needs to permeate your Etsy shop by appearing in your shop banner and avatar. You can even communicate your brand by using your tagline and logo on your Facebook page and Twitter profile.



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