What You Can Do with iPhoto in iLife ’11

1 of 7 in Series:
The Essentials of What You Can Do with iLife '11

iPhoto acts as your own processing lab and photo service inside iLife ’11 for your Mac to manage and edit the pictures you import from digital cameras, including video clips from digital cameras. You can also use iPhoto’s tools and features to manage graphic images (such as business charts and graphs, images from the Web, or computer screen shots) and scanned images.

Use iPhoto to browse all your pictures by events, places, or even faces in the photos and quickly display them onscreen, in any size ranging from thumbnail to full-screen. You can also keep track of pictures by adding titles, descriptions, keywords, locations, and comments.

Even with professional photographers, the chances that your pictures come out perfect every time are quite slim. Fixing these problems is easy in iPhoto, which offers a number of ways to improve and enhance your photos. You can

  • Instantly correct any photo that’s too dark or overexposed. iPhoto provides editing tools for automatically correcting these problems as well as the red-eye effect.

  • Crop any image. You can improve a postcard-perfect view of a scenic stop along a highway by removing, for example, the road litter and guardrail from the bottom edge of the photo.

  • Change color photos to black-and-white (or, more accurately, grayscale) or sepia tone. Changing the color to grayscale is handy for printing in books, newspapers, newsletters, or documents that don’t use color.

  • Make blemishes disappear like magic. You can enhance the entire image, retouch portions of the image, and adjust the colors and saturation levels to make anyone look better.

  • Share photos in different ways. Produce slideshows, photo portfolios, and even nicely bound coffee-table photo books and school yearbooks from iPhoto.

    If you're on Facebook, you can change your profile picture and publish photos directly to your wall or to one of your Facebook albums. If your friends leave comments on them, you see the comments in iPhoto. You can even keep track of which photos you shared.

    You can also e-mail pictures directly from iPhoto. You can even share entire slideshows with others on the Internet using MobileMe or post photos on Web pages. Essentially, everyone can have a copy of your photos.

Pictures are just the beginning of the iLife experience. iPhoto connects to the other iLife applications, and if you explore them, you’ll find uses for your pictures you hadn’t thought of, such as creating a DVD of a slideshow using music from your iTunes library or using still images in an iMovie project along with video clips and music.



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