Patents, Registered Designs, Trade Marks and Copyright Acronyms to Know

The world of patents, registered designs, trade marks and copyright can be a minefield of jargon and acronyms. Here’s a quick reference to help you out:

ARIPOWestern Africa Patent Office
CIPAChartered Institute of Patent Attorneys
CPAChartered Patent Attorney
EAPOEurasian Patent Office
EPAEuropean Patent Attorney
EPOEuropean Patent Office
EUEuropean Union
IPIntellectual Property
IPRIntellectual Property Right
ITMAInstitute of Trade Mark Attorneys
OAOffice action (by a patent or trademark examiner)
OAIPSoutheastern African Patent Office
OHIMEuropean Trademark Office (Office of Harmonization for the
Internal Market)
OWAOriginal Work of Authorship (protected by copyright)
PCTPatent Cooperation Treaty
PVPAPlant Variety Protection Act
PVPOPlant Variety Protection Office
RTMARegistered Trade Mark Attorney
UK-IPOUnited Kingdom Intellectual Property Office
USPTOUnited States Patent and Trademark Office
WIPOWorld Industrial Property Organization
WMFHWork Made For Hire



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