Word 2010 Tips and Tricks

When working in Microsoft Word 2010, don't forget these handy tips and tricks to get something done quickly or to format your text more in a more pleasing way.

  • Press Ctrl+Enter to start a new page. A manual page break is inserted, which forces a new page automatically.

  • Press Shift+Enter to insert a soft return, which is useful for breaking a line of text, such as in a document title or an address.

  • Use tabs to line up your text. Never use spaces. One tab is all you need. If you’re typing more than one tab, you need to reset the tab stops.

  • Always use one tab between columns to line them up. That makes editing the information easier if you have to do it.

  • If you need to change page formatting in the middle of your document, start a new section.

  • Save your styles in a template! That way, you can use them for new documents you create without having to rebuild all your styles over and over.



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