How to Back Up Your Dog Photos

If the photos you take of your dog are precious to you, be sure to maintain backup copies of all your work. Nothing is worse than having your hard drive inexplicably die and realizing that every photo you’ve ever taken has vanished into thin air, along with your dreams of doggie albums, wall art, and calendars.

This is one of those lessons that most people learn the hard way at some point in their lives. Remember, as sophisticated as your computer may be, it’s not going to live forever!

The good news is that you have lots of affordable methods to automatically back up everything — photos, spreadsheets, word processing documents, music files, and whatever else is on your hard drive. You just have to choose one that’s right for you:

  • External hard drive combined with backup software: Simply purchase an external hard drive, connect it to your computer, and configure a backup software program.

    If you’re a Mac user, you already have the backup software Time Machine that came with your computer. When you plug in an external hard drive, it usually asks you if you want to make it your Time Machine device.

    If you’re a Windows user, simply visit your favorite search engine and type in “Windows free backup software” and you’ll find many options to choose from.

    The cost of external hard drives has plummeted over the years (and continues to fall. Shop online and you’ll probably find a hard drive big enough to backup your whole computer and then some for under $100. Choose a size that is slightly bigger than your computer’s hard drive.

  • Online backup services: With this option, you don’t need to purchase a piece of hardware. Instead, you purchase a yearly subscription plan, and your computer gets backed up through your Internet connection.

    A major advantage of online backup services is that your data is stored away from your home, so unlike with an external hard drive, you won’t lose your photos if you’re the victim of a burglary or a house fire.

    If you’re interested in an online service, hit up that search engine again and enter “online backup services.” The price will fluctuate depending on how many gigabytes of data you need to store, but expect to see yearly subscription plans ranging from $50 to $100.

No matter what type of backup plan you choose, it’s always best to overprotect yourself, especially if you’re running a business. Keeping at least one copy of your files away from your home is always smart. Redundant? Sure. But hey, at least you can sleep at night knowing that the chance of ever losing all your photos is very slim.



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